A Call for a Community that Works Together
Where do we go from here?
For the past year and more, here in Guilford County and across the country, we’ve been in a maelstrom of bitter political divisions, many of us convinced that our position is right and the other side is not only wrong, but also downright immoral.
But now that our votes are cast and the ballots are being counted, there is no longer a benefit to highlighting our differences and fighting over who is right about what’s best for America. Today, what’s best for America is for us to reunite around our shared vision of strong communities with opportunities for all to achieve the American Dream.
Political campaigns are right to call out differences and explore opposing ideas of how to advance our communities. To make progress, we must have the painful conversations about racism, violence, declining prospects for the middle class, and inequities in health care, education, economic opportunity and more.
Well-meaning people can disagree about how best to address these problems – even if it sometimes infuriates and enrages us to listen to ideas that seem wrong-headed. We all want what is best for our country, and sharing diverse thinking about these and other critical issues will lead us to better solutions. That’s how democracy works.
What does not work is dismissing or reviling one another. While much of our culture has devolved into that black and white, I’m-good-you’re-bad thinking in recent years, we must reclaim our ability to listen, learn and honestly consider each other’s views both respectfully and receptively.
Regardless of the outcome of this election, we will continue to live together as a community. And today, as the election season ends and the season of giving begins, here are three things we can all do to move forward:
First, support the hundreds of Guilford County nonprofits improving our quality of life and serving our neighbors in need. Whether it’s the food bank, a favorite museum, a tutoring center, or the state parks system, support them however you can – through extra donations, volunteering or telling friends and neighbors about why they matter.
Second, try to believe in the good intentions of those with whom you disagree. Maybe you and your dad don’t share political beliefs, but you can focus on the values you do share – the importance of family, faith, the Constitution, or something else – and strive to listen to his perspective with empathy. This doesn’t mean you have to change your mind, but see what you can learn about his position and how he reached it, even if you think it’s wrong.
And third, break out of your bubble. It’s no secret that we tend to live in echo chambers, as our social media feeds reinforce our existing beliefs, along with the friends we choose to associate with and the news we opt to consume. Make a point of talking with folks who force you to think differently. Many faith communities hold sessions to talk across divides. The libraries, and many online resources also offer opportunities to hear and share different perspectives.
For me, and I suspect for most people, this has been one of the most difficult years of my life. The pandemic, the unrest, the political polarization of our communities… I’m ready for a 2021 of good health and good will.
Let’s build it together!
Author: Stuart Comstock-Gay, President and CEO of the Delaware Community Foundation
**This article has been modified from its original version - the location has been changed from Delaware to Guilford County.